Our first week with baby Dakota has been euphoric.

We aren’t sleeping much but every time we look at Dakota’s sweet little face or hold her tiny body in our arms, we can’t believe we made this little creature. My favorite part of each day is when we snuggle up in the armchair by the fireplace for early morning feedings and skin-to-skin cuddles. Dakota and I are lucky in that we’ve both taken to breastfeeding naturally (and boy, can she eat!)

I mentioned in Dakota’s birth story that I relied on placental encapsulation help balance my postpartum hormones and ease into my transition as a new mama. Although some family and friends were skeptical, I’d done enough research to know the potential benefits outweighed the very low risks.

I couldn’t be happier with the services from Carmen at The Nurturing Root. She came to our home the day after we were discharged to clean, cook and dehydrate the placenta overnight. Since I had to wait another day for her to come back and pulverize it to make pills, I was given the option to drink the broth the placenta was steamed in to get started balancing my hormones a day sooner. You can hardly taste it once added to some hot tea splashed with honey!

Our third night was particularly sleep deprived but we had to be up early for our first pediatrician appointment. I strangely woke with a burst of energy and felt truly balanced. This feeling has been unwavering ever since.

Warning: some of these photos aren’t for the faint of heart.
