Lookout world! This girl is ON. THE. MOVE. We are in serious baby-proofing mode as we realize all the drawers, sharp-edged tables, untethered vent registers, loose cords, and bowls of cat food that are at just the right height to entice our little one. Just as expected, the poor cats are chased relentlessly all day long but they are both being pretty good sports about it.

Since last month we’ve started swim lessons. Dakota isn’t quite sure how she feels about them just yet but considering how much she loves to splash in the bath and lounge in the pool at grandma and grandpa’s house, we’re hoping she warms up to the idea soon.

She will wave “hi”, share her toys if you ask her to, and mimic faces, spitting and tongue clicking. As always, she loves to laugh, showing off her 8 (!) teeth. The best part about her development since last month? How persistently snuggly she is — and without discrimination. She’ll lay her head down on the shoulder of anyone who holds her, but she saves her best cuddles and “kisses” for mama and papa.

Alex and I are in disbelief that Dakota has been alive for (almost) as long as she was growing inside my belly. Time has flown by more quickly than we could have imagined. We both feel like this month we can say that we’re watching our little baby turn into a little girl bursting with personality.
