Two months have gone by and our sweet little babe has developed quite a personality. Dakota loves to spend her hours awake playing with her rattles and “activity” toys. She’s perfectly content to lay in her crib as we wind up her mobile and watch it unravel over and over again.

I’ve started back to work (part time, from home) so instead of daily outings, our mornings and afternoons are filled with fun little games around the house. This way I can quickly dive into work during naps.


Our tiny family’s first Christmas together was magical.

Sweet little Dakota has already gleefully embraced family fireside cocoas, tree trimming, and singing along to carols while twirling around the house. That first Christmas morning of three was absolutely delightful. While Dakota may not quite understand the significance of the season, both Alex and I woke reinvigorated with a childlike excitement, envisioning years of new family traditions ahead.
